Thursday, April 14, 2011

Unity Woes

I have been having trouble understanding how access of variables between scripts works in Unity.  I thought I knew how, but after much trial and error, I am still getting errors.  My pathfinding code is contained in one script, and my agent behavior code is contained in another.  Because of this obstacle, I have been unable to have my agent respond to the path calculated by my pathfinding code.

For example, in the screenshot below, the console shows a path count and the index.  I want the index to initialize to 1 less than the path count, which it currently is not doing.

I have already read a lot of Unity manuals and tutorials, but I suppose I need to read some more...


  1. How are you trying to access things right now? For my project, I had to figure out how to reach things in one script from another too, so here's what worked for me.

    In mine, I have a Director object with a script A attached to it, and I'm trying to reach script B on a separate Camera object. Right now, my script A actually has a variable for that Camera object just called "cam1," so in script A I can use:

    "ScriptB otherScript = (ScriptB) cam1.GetComponent()"

    If you're not storing a reference to the other object, you can do something like
    "ScriptB otherScript = (ScriptB) GameObject.Find(“OtherObjectName”).GetComponent()"

    Once you've got the other script, you could just do something like "this.index = otherScript.pathCount - 1"

    I don't know if that's helpful at all, but I got that working after struggling for a while. Also, there are some weird issues when one script is C# and the other is javascript. But that stuff gave me a headache, so I gave up and just stuck to C#.

  2. Haha, I was going to say "You should talk to Dan/Ian/everyone else who is using Unity" but I see Dan already has a response for you :D
    Sorry I can't help much!

  3. Hey Dan, thanks for the help. I actually had already tried all of those things and I was still getting an error. Miraculously enough, I ran the code again today and it updated the index the way I wanted it to, but I still need to fix some bugs to get it to follow the path. Thanks again.

  4. I just realized that when my post got posted, it actually cut out the part of the code that was helpful. :P

    It should be "ScriptB otherScript = (ScriptB) cam1.GetComponent < scriptB > ()", without those spaces around the brackets. For some reason that got erased in my post.

    Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter if you got it working, but yeah that's what had been driving me crazy.
